hello everybuddy welcome to rachychel's world wide webbed site!!!!! ^_^

Latest updates:
Sep 25: i made socks :)
Aug 4: new ceramic, POSCA drawing, digital art, and recipe. ALSO, updated my cat Alice's age (she is 8 years old!!!!!)
July 15: new knit n crochet page
June 16: added 2 more ceramics
May 26: new tea review
May 23: new graphics. also, the way i was doing fonts in the css was making pages with japanese text load slow so i just got rid of the custom font (kiwi maru) completely lol
May 22: added guestbook
May 14: new ceramic page!!! updated about page (i am no longer a snail)
Apr 2: Tiger mug added to front page of art
Mar 23: Really cool important update: Pepper is now 5 years old :) also a new tea review.
Feb 6: some small changes to the index page
Feb 1: hello welcome to february!!!!!!!!! new hourly comic day for this year
Jan 16: Finished a tea review entry. I DO have new art that I still need to scan and upload someday... eventually......... I'm gonna be lost in the sauce doing college again starting today so updates will probably be sparce. But there definitely have been days in the past couple semesters where I just ignored my priorities and spent like 8-hour chunks of the day working on this site at the cost of me sleeping lolol
view old updates
Future plans:
add _top or _blank to some outgoing links because my music player is messing them up if they're not opened in a new tab lol
collections (pikachu, art materials, etc.)
requests: nail page, Mashy (my cat) page, page on how to unlock characters in Melee
photo page???
make my own funny little pixel graphics for the navigation buttons. mushroom, teacup.........
ok can i make so that がんばね bear down in that calendar box is to the right of the table on wider resolutions (computers), and under the table on narrower resolutions (telephones)??? i don't know
more secret music
more graphics (neverending task :~) )
大安 Good luck all day
友引 Good luck all day except at noon
先勝 Good luck before noon, bad luck after noon
先負 Bad luck before noon, good luck after noon
赤口 Bad luck all day except at noon
仏滅 Bad luck all day

copyright me rachel